Title: Saint Bartholomew's Eve
Subtitle: A Tale of the Huguenot Wars
Time Period: 16th century
Location: France
The exciting times of the Huguenot Wars, set in France in the 1500s, sees Henty's hero, Philip Fletcher, off from England to join his cousin on his mother's side. He and Francois take a share in that splendid struggle for freedom by the Protestants. The boys are very courageous, so they get into a lot of exciting situations! There are sword fights, lots of battles, sieges of towns and daring escapes. Philip receives the commendation of the famous leaders of the Huguenots, Admiral Coligny, and Prince Henry of Navarre. The events lead up to the terrible Saint Bartholomew's Eve massacre, with Philip, Francois, and their friend Claire trapped in Paris! Will they survive?
Text: Gutenberg
Audio: MP3 and MP3 CD by GouldComputing, At Amazon
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